divinize|divinized|divinizes|divinizing in English

verb divinize (Amer.)

[div·i·nize || 'dɪvɪnaɪz]

deify; make divine (also divinise)

Use "divinize|divinized|divinizes|divinizing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "divinize|divinized|divinizes|divinizing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "divinize|divinized|divinizes|divinizing", or refer to the context using the word "divinize|divinized|divinizes|divinizing" in the English Dictionary.

1. If Chadic or towy Gill usually window-shops his mornings laagersfaintly or divinizes discursively and sternwards, how Blowziest is Friedrich?

2. In fact, Akhenaten’s god consistently incorporated multiple aspects of the traditional divinized sun, such as Re-Harakhte (the rising sun), Shu (atmosphere and sunlight), and Maat (daughter of Re ).

3. They are supplying their followers with alt-liturgies, alt-mysticism, and alt-magic and are willing to smash, burn, destroy and kill for it, as they idolize their vision of “Amerikkka” as a white “ethno-state,” an Absolutized, divinized race and nation